Subscribe: Audio Subscribe: Themes: God, Divine, Spirituality, Interconnectedness, Faith, Transformation, Purpose, Mentality, Awareness, Enlightenment, Belief, Trust, Serenity, Power, Inner peace Summary: Today I welcome, Neale Donald Walsch, a modern-day spiritual messenger whose words [More] – The book by Deepak Chopra “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success” changed my life in so many ways…, get a little snippet right here!
Can we exist simultaneously in the past and future in the perceived present of sentient beings in different locations of the universe? If so, what does it mean for our true self? #goldilockszone #sentience #cosmictime [More]
Are we, and the world, the imagination of ourselves? Can we solve the mystery of karma and be free of it? #karma #epigenetics #intergenerationaltrauma #spiritualtraditions #conflictresolution #peaceistheway —– Become a Peace Ambassador and support the [More]
Quantum biology is the next frontier for the future of well being and health span. #quantumentanglement #quantumbiology #quantummechanics #consciousness #conflictresolution #peaceistheway —– Become a Peace Ambassador and support the Chopra Foundation for a more peaceful, [More]
जय सिया राम राम राम जय श्री राम #jaysiyaram #ramram #jayshreeram #shreeram #KaviraajAKumarr
Speaking to us from 1983, a time of widespread fear about nuclear war, Ram Dass explores how spiritual work equals social action, and yet, we can’t just wait until we are free to take action. [More]
WIE WILDE TIERE WIE WILDE TIERE Film Trailer HD – Inhalt: Antoine (DENIS MÉNOCHET) und Olga (MARINA FOÏS) haben den Neuanfang gewagt. Das Ehepaar kehrte Frankreich den Rücken zu und fand in einer kleinen Gemeinde [More]
This is a beautiful, devotional, clip where Doc talks about the power of the field and when your intention is strong enough, the potentiality will be come actuality when conditions are right. from the October [More]
Dr. Hawkins continues to reveal to us that everything is happening through Divinity, not through the claims of the Ego. A uplifting clip from October 2004 Witnessing and Observing. To view all lectures by Dr. [More]