El médico, escritor y conferencista de India, Deepak Chopra dio una charla ayer en Panamá acerca del futuro del bienestar. Comenzó explicando, como ve aquí en el video, de qué está compuesto el mundo. PARA [More]
Dalai Lama: HörBuch der Menschlichkeit – Eine neue Ethik für unsere Zeit Teil 1: 1. Die moderne Gesellschaft und die Suche nach dem menschlichen Glück 2. Nichts Magisches – Nichts Mystisches 3. Die bedingte Entstehung [More]
Becoming aware of negative thinking is the first step in breaking one’s addiction to it, teaches Eckhart. *********************************************************************** Interested in diving deeper into Eckhart Tolle’s work? Enjoy a FREE 10-DAY TRIAL to Eckhart Tolle Now [More]
My Tibet Text by his Holiness the Fourteenth Dali Lama of Tibetvisit http://myebookpdf.com/?book=0520089480
Deepak Chopra – How to manage anger
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Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the crucial role of presence and being in the now for overcoming dysfunction in human consciousness. He explains that the main purpose of human life is to consciously inhabit the present moment, [More]
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