At times in life, you may feel isolated or alone, like you’ve been set apart from everyone and everything. It’s easy to let these feelings pull you into a spiral of despair, but what if [More]
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein Today, we delve deep into the test of faith, particularly when life seems to be falling apart around you. It’s easy to question our path [More]
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Take the next step and deepen your meditation practice with the Chopra App: In this guided meditation, Deepak Chopra explores how our brain responds to everyday stress and how to retrain your brain to [More]
In the quest for peace in the Middle East, an offer from The Chopra Foundation. —– Become a Peace Ambassador and support the Chopra Foundation for a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and joyful world. [More]
The world is a strange and mysterious place, and the quantum world is even stranger. But what if the quantum world is the key to understanding ourselves and the world around us? #conflictresolution #quantumbody #quantumentanglement [More]
Dalış Malzemeleri konulu videolara bu sayfadan ulaşabilir; ayrıca ürünler içinse burayı ziyaret edebilirsiniz:
This is an extract from our recent event with Dr. Joe Vitale. In it, Dr. Joe talks about the power of the simple prayer known as Ho.oponopono – “I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, [More]