In this lecture, Ram Dass speaks about awareness, covering such topics as the ego, identity, the mechanics of mind, and the conclusions and paradoxes of metaphysics. Then, he leads us in a sitting and walking [More]
Last year 48% of Americans were plagued by insomnia, according to the National Sleep Foundation. As anyone who has gone without sleep knows, a lack of .CHANNEL – Deepak Chopra Audiobook : Deepak Chopra As [More]
Entrevista de Richard Dawkins a Deepak Chopra “Why Does Deepak Chopra Hate Me?” Anti-evolution International I’ve never done anything to Deepak Chopra. At least, not in this lifetime. Perhaps I’ve mocked his surrealistically bizarre [More]
The Letting Go technique is one of the easiest ways to let go of ANY emotion. But it requires a mindset shift in order to do so. Because we’ve been trained since childhood to shy [More]
This wonderful clip came from the May 2002 lecture. Dr. Hawkins explains what the “1/10 thousandth of a second” means as an opportunity for Enlightenment. Full lecture available through our video streaming service: