Rewiring our brains for a peace, prosperity, health and joy with bonus meditation practice. #meditation #peaceistheway #conflictresolution —– Deepak’s new book, #QuantumBody is now available for pre-order at
This is in response to the ongoing debate on Quantum Consciousness, first brought up in a recent interview with Deepak Chopra and Roger Cohen, an award-winning @nytimes reporter. #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumEntanglement #QuantumScience —– Deepak’s new book, [More]
Labourhome interviews Neal Lawson
In this potent recording from 1994, Ram Dass talks about the nature of suffering and how we can escape the prison of separateness created by our cultural infatuation with individualism. This podcast is brought to [More]
In this recording from 1976, Ram Dass explores the process of awakening and becoming enlightened. Featuring a musical interlude from Krishna Das and an introduction from Raghu Markus. This episode is a continuation of the [More]
This black screen video is comprised of the iconic Ram Dass lectures ‘Being Free Together’, ‘Promises and Pitfalls of the Spiritual Path’, and ‘Living in the Paradox of Consciousness’. 0:00:00 – Being Free Together Recorded [More]
Deepak Chopra Explains How to Find the Leader Within