In this 15 minute guided meditation, Eckhart delves into the profound topics of stillness, consciousness, and embracing the state of not knowing. We will explore the essence within, uncover the power of formless consciousness, and [More]
Goal Update: 35 / 1000 Amazon reviews on my latest book, Momentum: ✎ Get free access to our vault of …
Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at a ShabdYoga Session at Advait BodhSthal Ashram, Greater Noida on 5th November, 2017 Quote: “The softest of all things can overcome the hardest of all things. Only the insubstantial [More]
The best quotes from Lao Tzu that will change your life and make you strong.Laozi, also known by numerous other names, was a semilegendary ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher. Laozi is a Chinese honorific, generally translated [More]
Viral Video Shows Dalai Lama Asking A Young Boy To “Suck His Tongue” Dalai Lama was seen making gestures towards a young boy which is now widely being termed inappropriate. Dalai Lama’s Twitter account has [More]
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Human Consciousness is entangled with Cosmic Consciousness. A solution to the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in describing the nature of the so-called physical world. #EugeneWigner #Mathematics #consciousness #quantumentanglement —– Deepak’s new book, #QuantumBody is now [More]
There is a solution to the hard problem of consciousness, the cosmology conundrums , and the paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics. I would love to know what you think about the above hypothesis! #quantumentanglement #hardproblemofconsciousness #quantummechanics [More]