In this essential talk, Ram Dass leans on the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, Ramana Maharshi, and Groucho Marx to explore identity, change, and how incarnation is the blueprint for liberation. Want to be [More]
This is a full lecture from Ram Dass called Three Planes of Consciousness (NO background music) at normal speed. Here is the link for the 1.2x speed version if you prefer I❤️☕️ [More]
Muğla’nın Fethiye İlçe Kaymakamı Muzaffer Şahiner, “Su altı güzellikleri keşfedilmeyi bekliyor. Dalyan Koyu başta olmak üzere dalış noktalarıyla ilgili özel tedbirler alıyoruz. Dalış turizminde Fethiye’yi önemli bir noktaya taşımayı hedefliyoruz.” dedi. Dalyan Koyu’na giden Kaymakam [More]
A one-day virtual conference exploring how artificial intelligence and other disruptive technologies shape humanity and society in the decade ahead. With billions being invested into artificial intelligence, biotech and neurotech companies, we are witnessing the [More]
Read or Download Now [PDF Download] The Way of the Elders: West African Spirituality & Tradition [Read] Full Ebook
How do I know when I hold a daisy That the petals will say that he loves me? I will pluck them off in twins and triplets if it Means at the end will. Sharlie [More]