This black screen video is comprised of the iconic Ram Dass lectures ‘Pull to God’, ‘Social Action’, and ‘A Gathering of Souls’. 0:00:00 – Pull to God Recorded in Orlando, FL in 1975. 47:36 [More]
This black screen video is comprised of the iconic Ram Dass lectures ‘On Dharma’, ‘Seasons of Our Lives’, and ‘Nowhere to Stand’. (0:00) On Dharma, 1973 Listen to the full, isolated lecture here: (1:10:24) [More]
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This wonderful clip is from the June 2006 lecture, Spiritual Truth vs Spiritual Fantasy. The innocence of the child in us is both necessary for our spiritual progress but is also a downside, since that [More]
El sendero del mago 07-12. Deepak Chopra
Successful people set themselves up to build thriving and joyous lives. Successful people like Tony Robbins start their day off with a morning routine to center themselves and establish a feeling of gratitude. To put [More]
Lao Tzu – How To Simplify Your Life (Taoism) Click on to skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks. Purchase shares in great [More]