Have you ever felt divine discontent? In this video, Eckhart shares how he was a “frequency holder” for a big part of his life, and how he came to realize that he could do so [More]
a chat on spirituality & why i’m less into it an impromptu chat on my spiritual journey, my problems with new age spirituality & my thoughts on religion as a whole (mainly christianity since that [More]
Joe Vitale ensina o segredo de como fazer a lei da atração funcionar ,como enviar corretamente seu pedido ao catálogo do universo sem aquele sentimento de desespero.
Chronicles the life of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and leader of Tibet, the country also known as Shangri-La. Includes an interview with actor Richard Gere. #DalaiLama #Biography Dive deeper into Biography on our [More]
The thinking mind is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal, but it can be a dangerous thing to get caught up in. The ever wise, ever eloquent Ram Dass goes [More]
Discover the teachings of NEVILLE GODDARD, a New Thought author and mystic who wrote on the Bible and esotericism. He is considered one of the pioneers of the “LAW OF ASSUMPTION” Goddard believed that God [More]
Eckhart Tolle on Thought-Based Identity You can never be fulfilled when you only know yourself as “the story in your mind,” explains Eckhart Tolle. In this teaching on transcending the limitations of a mind-made sense [More]