Deepak Chopra introduces the new Stress Free iPhone application. Learn about the six keys to being stress free and their daily practice, and explore the world of Deepak Chopra, all from your iPhone / iPod [More]
The Abundance in your Life is proportional to your sense of Self. #love #truelove #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion #Existence #BigBang #NaiveRealism #WhoAreYou #InfiniteLove #TranscendentExistence #Existence #SatChitAnanda #DivineUnion #DarkNightofSoul #Ecstasy #dreamscape #revelation #impermanence #TheRealMetaverse #Metahuman [More]
Deepak Chopra’s Message to World Leaders on CNNi with Julia Chatterley —– Deepak’s new book, #LivingintheLight is now available for pre-order. Visit to learn more about it.
Are you feeling anxious or fearful about your life situation? In these clips, Eckhart talks about how anxiety works and how to step out of thoughts about your life that make you miserable. Subscribe to [More]
Do you want to go into 2023 being more present than ever? Eckhart Tolle shares practical tips to bring more Presence into your daily life. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to [More]
The Mental Time Travel SystemIt’s based on my five decades of experience in hypnosis and metaphysics, and on fairly recent concepts, such as Brief Therapy and Narrative Psychology. This goes beyond everything I’ve ever done [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale – Want A Money-Making Opportunity – Use This Secret! Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Online Courses: Work with Dr. Joe Vitale as [More]
Ram Dass discusses the yoga of relationships, resting in oneness with another person, and working on oneself. __________________ The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and [More]
In this lecture from 1989, Ram Dass discusses what it means to practice “being here now,” touching on such topics as cultivating full awareness of the present moment, appreciating the ordinary, the conditions of being-ness, [More]