Here’s my Subcutaneous discussion with Eckhart Tolle. We discussed a vast range of topics that we are facing collectively around the world & how we can enlighten ourselves in dark times. #thegreatreset #eckharttolle #conspiracy ————————————————————————————————————————– [More]
Are you constantly comparing your body to others? The essence of beauty has nothing to do with form, according to Eckhart. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more [More]
Ram Dass speaks on dharma in relation to one’s vocation. ________________ The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba. Find out [More]
What if life was meant to be experienced in a totally different way to how we live it now? This simple yet breathtaking revelation explained by Neale Donald Walsch could radically transform the way you [More]
Stuart Wilde teaches readers how to consolidate their inherent power and transcend all limitations by releasing themselves from the constraints of their egos. Ego traps the individual, according to Wilde, and it is never happy [More]
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They say YOU ARE CRAZY or weird, are they right ? Or maybe you are just spiritually awaken! Watch these 10 signs to know! Love and Blessings Team Iamverse ✨ Create Your Own Personal Roadmap [More]
Deepak Chopra Speaks About Michael Jackson’s Death While Leaving CNN Building In Hollywood , California. U.S.A. 07 15 09 — Follow us on Twitter at
The Purpose and Limitations of Thought #Thought #LimitationsofThought #PurposeofThought #love #truelove #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion #Existence #BigBang #NaiveRealism #WhoAreYou #InfiniteLove #TranscendentExistence #Existence #SatChitAnanda #DivineUnion #DarkNightofSoul #Ecstasy #dreamscape #revelation #impermanence #TheRealMetaverse #Metahuman #TotalMeditation #Abundancebook —– [More]