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In this exceptional interview, Dr. Hawkins answers the question, “Is there a fast track to transcending the Ego? Full video is found through our video streaming service: www.veritaspub.com/streaming-product-information
Dr. Hawkins explains how stress results from our point of view, from what we hold in mind, as well as from our attitudes and beliefs. The source of stress is within ourselves and not out [More]
Welcome to my channel ❤ This channel was created as a hub for new thought and metaphysical teachings and a way to keep alive the teachers of old who were some of the original teachers [More]
7-year-old Mira and 5-year-old Chloe want to take actions to help save endangered animals. They draw, they create and they donate all the profit to wildlife charities. Visit their shop https://www.mirachloe.com ————————- How to Get [More]
Deepak Chopra: Five Breathroughs for the BodyCommonwealth Club – Santa Clara Convention Center Theatre“You can’t change the body without changing the self, and you can’t change the self without bringing in the soul,” says Deepak [More]