This educational clip came from the August-2006-lecture, Reason-vs-Truth. Watch all of Dr. Hawkins’ lectures in their entirety by subscribing to our streaming service at Lectures also available for rent through
Vish Writer and John Harricharan have between them more than 5 decades of spiritual experience and have touched tens and thousands of lifes across the world. You can get to know more about them at [More]
Our highest form of nutrition is in our expression Join the community! free discord group Check out my skillshare course on content creation DAILY PODCAST mon-fri Available on All Streaming Platforms! Links below [More]
Also known as the “Frequency of Gods”, the Solfeggio frequency of 963Hz is one of the most powerful and uplifting tones. This frequency is not only associated with the activation of the Pineal Gland and [More]
Dr. David Hawkins speaks about how many of us undergo, to varying degrees, experiences that change our level of evolvement in the human soul and consciousness. When we define our life based on our experiences, [More]
Hidden Dimensions: What are you? Your body is made of awareness/spirit for a higher purpose. #spirit #hiddendimensions #higherpurpose #soul #divineconsciousness #love #truelove #Metahuman #TotalMeditation #Abundancebook #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion #Existence #BigBang #NaiveRealism #WhoAreYou #InfiniteLove [More]