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In this special 30 minute holiday meditation, Eckhart shares about “Silent Night, Holy Night:” The Christmas season as a shift in consciousness, seeking the Christ consciousness within and the true foundations of the Kingdom of [More]
other Eckhart Tolle’s recent video links 1. The Power of Presence Live Webniar by Eckhart Tolle https://youtu.be/iK8Zt-g2tc0 2. Love and Presence by Eckhart Tolle https://youtu.be/iK8Zt-g2tc0 3. Why Presence? by Eckhart Tolle https://youtu.be/xWYXkbJIzN0
How can we balance fear with equanimity? Ram Dass shares the antidote to fear, and the ways that we can allow our own humanity in order to extricate ourselves from the web of thought forms [More]