Eckhart shares how we can unknowingly carry mental viruses, how they can get deeply ingrained in our minds and how dangerous they can be when they infect every other thought. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment [More]
In this meditation, Eckhart talks about being conscious without any particular content, deriving a sense of self from thinking and emotions and the courage required to enter the realm of not-knowing. Subscribe to find greater [More]
Am 04.12.2010 ereignete sich waehrend einer Live-Sendung der Spielshow “Wetten Dass?!” ein Unfall.
Narrated by: Ram Dass Language: English Playlists: Ram Dass’s Teaching (Classic Lectures) From the beginning of his career in the 1960s, Ram Dass retreats and lectures have been meticulously recorded and archived. Join this [More]
Ram Dass – 10 Hours Lecture – Black Screen – No Music From 1975 to 1996 best Ram Dass lectures Thank you for listening If you enjoy listening to my videos and got inspired – [More]
In today’s video Neale Donald Walsch shares this single most important truth that would change life on this planet forever. It would change the way we treat each other and perceive each other. If we [More]
You Can Be Happy All The Time ~ Stuart Wilde Stuart Wilde tells us what actions we need to partake in, in order to achieve a state of constant happiness. Motivation Channel – Speaker: [More]