1 Naturally born genious; prodigy.2 Perfection.3 The most eminent, pure, intelligent, gifted form of the human mind and being. neal definition by Urban Dictionary
The Force By Stuart Wilde (Free Audio Book) This is a very powerful book written and read by Stuart. Always great teachings from a different type of perspective. Thank you for checking out my channel. [More]
Only 5% of the stuff in our universe is made up of normal matter, but that is where most of us put 100% of our focus and attention. This creates an illusion of separateness where [More]
As the summer storm moves slowly across the valley, intense winds push forward, clearing the way. Calmness brings on warm cleansing rains, lasting until portly clouds are exhausted. My love is a storm, proceeding gently [More]
Letting Go David R. Hawkins Letting Go explains how to let go of the impediments to Awakening and become free of negativity in a simple and efficient way. Throughout the author’s decades of clinical psychiatric [More]