The Cosmic Giggle is an experimental documentary film that explores the human energy field’s dynamic relationship with our environment. Naturally as human beings, we are connected to a vast network of fluid information inherent to [More]
Dr. Hawkins discusses: -the historical necessity (and innocence) of the ego as well as all of its downsides -the emergence of the etheric brain above level 200 and its capacity to think rationally rather than [More]
What is the Dalai Lama for India? A strategic asset or a liability? For decades, successive governments have shied from using the Tibetan cause to gain leverage over China. #Gravitas #DalaiLama #China About Channel: WION [More]
Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip [More]
Our methods and practices move us closer toward rebirth and enlightenment. Ram Dass stresses that a yogi has to become vulnerable to find patience and joy on the road to higher consciousness. They must let [More]
HH Dalai Lama.Green Tara.2013-11-учений Его Святейшества Далай-ламы по сочинению Чже Цонкапы “Три основы пути”. Учения даруются в главном храме Дхарамсалы …подробно…
In this talk from the 1980’s, Ram Dass and Allen Ginsberg discuss Kerouac, polarization of the 60’s, and breaking away from the norm. ________________ The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing [More]