Video informativo sin fines de lucro
——————————————————————————————————— Relaxing Music for Meditation: Relaxing Sounds for Sleeping: ——————————————————————————————————— Deepak Chopra MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative [More]
Siz tüm evreni kaplayan ve kendisini bir taş, bir ot, bir hayvan, bir kişi, bir yıldız ya da bir galaksi olarak deneyimlemek için geçici olarak forma bürünen tek bir Bilinç, Tek Bir Yaşam’sınız.__________Eckhart Tolle
In this video, Eckhart is asked the question “How can I decide who is to be my partner?” by the audience, so he explains how unconditional love and physical attraction aren’t incompatible. Subscribe to find [More]
Disappointment, fear, anger, annoyance—our unhappy emotions so often stem from deeply ingrained mental narratives. Here, Eckhart helps us lift this heavy burden and rediscover our inner spaciousness. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: [More]
LOVE ALL OF YOU!! Nice to see that y’all are on here!! My husband & I got our braces with you Joe! Our oldest son Jared did & now our youngest son AJ has them! [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale – Do This If You Want To Thrive In Abundance. Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Online Courses: Work with Dr. Joe Vitale [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale – Does it Feel Like all is Lost Watch This Now. Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Online Courses: Work with Dr. Joe [More]
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Sept. – Bermula dengan penganjuran Bazar Larut Malam secara kecil-kecilan di bawah jejambat Lebuhraya Maju Expressway Sdn. Bhd. (Mex Highway) di Jalan Cochrane, Cheras di sini, hari ini kawasan tersebut semakin meriah.