To millions of readers around the world, Dr. Wayne Dyer was the beloved “Father of Motivation”—but to Serena, Saje, and their six siblings, he was simply “Dad.” When he died suddenly in 2015, the sisters [More] – The Free Energy Challenge is an innovative program from North American Power that allows greenelectric and cleangas customers enrolled in the program to get credit towards their supply charges on their bill.
Chopra, Deepak O Deepak Chopra είναι ένας καταξιωμένος επιστήμονας, γιατρός, συγγραφέας, παγκόσμια πρωτοπόρος στον τομέα της “Ψυχοσωματικής Ιατρικής και του Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού”. Έχει δημιουργήσει πολυάριθμα οπτικο-ακουστικά προγράμματα που αποσκοπούν στη βελτίωση της υγείας και την [More]
Eckhart explores the concept of self-esteem and how it relates to spiritual awakening. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: How to have healthy self-esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings Want to watch and hear [More]
The potential to attract money and create abundant wealth doesn’t reside in your job, your circumstances, or even the economy. Find out how to attract more money easily and effortlessly by using the astounding power [More]
Lista de reproducción: La fenomenal popularidad de El Secreto ha puesto la atención mundial en una antigua fuerza universal conocida como La Ley de Atracción. ¿Pero por qué esta ley parece funcionar para unas [More]
The ability to observe non-judgmentally what goes on inside you depends on your level of awareness. In this video, Eckhart discusses our primary purpose – to awaken into the new consciousness that is evolving on [More]