In this fascinating interview, author Neale Donald Walsch shares many insights about life, God and Manifestation. He begins by asking the most important question ‘who am I’? A question that could change everything if we [More]
Read or Download Here [Read book] Counseling and Spirituality: Views from the Profession (Spirituality/Religious
🔔 Subscribe for more transformational content: 💬 If you’re ready to go deeper with us, text AWAKEN to +1 (512) 768-4352! In this episode of The Higher Self, Danny sits down with spiritual teacher [More]
“What’s the real difference between Christianity and Kemetic Spirituality? 👁✨ If you’ve ever felt trapped by rigid religious beliefs or wondered if there’s a deeper, more empowering spiritual path, this video is for you. In [More]
Deepak Chopra recibe a Gaby Natale y SuperLatina en las oficinas del Chopra Center en Carlsbad, CA. El gurú espiritual comparte sus consejos para encontrar el amor, mejorar nuestras vidas y superar nuestros miedos. Si [More]
* #QuantumConsciousness #Quantum #QuantumPhysics #QuantumEntanglement #QuantumMechanics —– My new book, #DigitalDharma is now available at your favorite book retailer or at —– Converse with my digital twin at now in Spanish and Arabic [More]
Personal Self, Universal Self, Wave Function and the Views of the Pioneers of Quantum Mechanics – Max Planck and Erwin Schrödinger. *Recommended Reading for Further Exploration: You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and [More]