A student asks Sadhguru whether spirituality is offered only for the affluent and not for the poor. Sadhguru explains how the spiritual process has impacted the people of India over thousands of years, and how [More]
In this dharma talk from 1969, Ram Dass plays the hollow bamboo game, which is an exercise to help us enter into a place within ourselves where we are one with everything and everyone. This [More]
Discover the teachings of NEVILLE GODDARD, a New Thought author and mystic who wrote on the Bible and esotericism. He is considered one of the pioneers of the “LAW OF ASSUMPTION” Goddard believed that God [More]
http://www.stayinghomemom.com/Intentions is the link to the webinar that I referenced in the video. Just because something sounds cute or deep be careful you fully understand it’s INTENT. sit back and when you have some down [More]
Love is a particularly joyful path to God, one that allows us to bring the sweetness of the human heart into the spiritual journey. Ram Dass shows us how we can . With an introduction [More]
Subscribe now for more! http://bit.ly/1NbomQa Broadcast on 22/09/2016 In this world exclusive interview, Piers talks to the Dalai Lama about everything from combating ISIS to the number of his Twitter followers. Like, follow and subscribe [More]
Click the link below for the full version! ⬇️ https://amzn.to/3CnmaUw Please email for any Inquires, Thank you. upliftingmesages@gmail.com This channel does not claim any rights over the audiobook and will abide by any circumstances. By [More]