Revelation & Awakening: Longevity Experiment – You Are Seer and Scenery #TotalMeditation #Metahuman #YouAreTheUniverse #Awakening #Revelation #Woke #Being #Love #Peace #Joy #Karma #Freedom #FreedomfromLimitations #Seer #Scenery 📧 —– Mind Body Zone is a brand [More]
Revelation & Awakening: What Are You? #TotalMeditation #Metahuman #YouAreTheUniverse #Awakening #Revelation #Woke #Being #Love #Peace #Joy #Karma #Freedom #WhatAreYou —– Mind Body Zone is a brand new podcast on @Audible hosted by Deepak Chopra and [More]
Technology is neutral and can be used to clutter the mind or to encourage spaciousness. Eckhart suggests being very conscious about your use of technology and maintaining periods of time that are technology-free. Subscribe to [More]
According to Eckhart, there is one important secret to manifesting those things you want in your life, but it’s extremely important not to rely on manifesting to make you happy. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment [More]
Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip [More]