Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 180 – The Way of Harmony: https://youtu.be/pH7FUlOo2Y4 Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 180 – The Way of Harmony: https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-180-the-way-of-harmony/ ================ In this vintage 1969 [More]
Official Music Video for Dirtwire x Ram Dass – “Mid-America Motel” Listen to “Mid-America Motel”, available now: https://onerpm.link/midamericamotel Video Creation & Editing: Johnathan Singer Soul Land Music Series: Volume 1 Full Compilation Album to be [More]
Dr. Neal Goldberger has focused particularly on pain related spinal conditions caused by disc injury and degeneration. His work on Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a painful condition caused by nerve injury, has been published in journals [More]
You Have Forgotten WHO YOU ARE Conversations with GOD by Neale Donald Walsch @Positive HiT All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions, fear, or love. They’re only two [More]
In Loving Memory of: STUART WILDE SEPTEMBER 24, 1946 – MAY 1, 2013 Thank you Mr. Wilde for your last expression of the divine on this planet. Thank you for the inspiration you gave me [More]
Wasn’t expecting to do any hockey videos this year. This is the 2013 James Neal video NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED FAN MADE VIDEO
What does it take for humanity to become an evolved species? Neale Donald Walsch answers and asks the BIG questions like: What shifts in consciousness do we need to make in order to bring harmony [More]