CJ Liu interviews NEALE DONALD WALSCH (NealeDonaldWalsch.com) on his newest book “The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love”. Neale describes that during COVID-19, many were asking questions such as “Where is God in all [More]
✅Join Neale Donald Walsch in this FREE, time-limited masterclass and discover how to prepare yourself for humanity’s next evolutionary leap. Click here now:👉 https://go.mindvalley.com/nealedonaldwalsch ✅Did you enjoy Neale’s wisdom? Watch the full 90 minute talk [More]
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Denier concert électirque du Citron: 2 groupes seulement pour cette soirée spéciale (Laurent Stuart&Music Is Not Fun)
Beautiful slide show with narration from a Stuart Wilde meditation. Music by James Wild. Audio is from the Quiet Earth production Meditations for Inspiration & Affirmation. View album here: http://www.quietearth.org/stuart-wilde/meditation-mp3s/meditations-for-inspiration-and-affirmation-mp3/
Hi, Mike Evans here from TheSerenityPath.com where you can create your own customized spiritual practice and for most people, that includes meditation as well as creating a vision, a clear and compelling vision for your [More]
Even through some emotionally torturous times, it all came down to uncovering the truth. Listen to Rhett reveal all about his spiritual journey and the evolution of his beliefs in this episode of Ear Biscuits! [More]
The time has come, says Sadhguru, to correct the common myth that spirituality is only for the old, dull and lifeless. Spirituality is not for the dead or dying, but for those who want to [More]
https://veritaspub.com/product/emotions-and-sensations-april-2004-lecture-2-1/ Transcript: See most of the greater thinkers of the Western world were concerned with what is truth and how does one know it? How can truth be identified? And the scientific method, the Darwinian [More]