Dr. Joe Vitale is a prolific author of many bestselling books including “The Attractor Factor,” “Zero Limits,” and his latest, “The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment,” and “Anything Is Possible: 7 Stops to Doing the [More]
Eckhart directs us to the source of true satisfaction in life, ours to discover when we access aware Presence and give up the compulsion to think. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: http://bit.ly/EckhartYT Want [More]
#01-“Causality: The Ego’s Foundation” Jan 2002 dvd Transcript: If there’s no ‘this’ causing a ‘that’, how does what we witness come about? Alright, let’s say God being all-prevailing and infinitely powerful, is like a giant [More]
Diana: Mystery Revelations in the Tunnel Where She Died by Stuart Wilde
Pieniądz nie jest niczym innym jak umową społeczną i formą myślową. Od nas zależy jaki nadamy jej kształt i znaczenie i czy będziemy bogaci czy nie. Przedstawię Ci moją interpretacje tez autora. Zapraszam na inne [More]
This was a huge wonderful message to everyone and Lady Gaga has always been trying to help fight bullying and isolation and all of the things thate are plaguing the young generation now.