Greve Geral dos Trabalhadores junto com o Sindicato Sintracal, do Grupo Dass de Vitória da Conquista-BA, dia 12/11/13, fechando a BR- 116
Beyoncé singing ‘Listen’ live @ Wetten Dass
Wat​ch the latest Ram Dass Documentary film on Becoming Nobody on The library supports you with transformational content. See it for yourself and go to and check out the Be Here Now [More]
“Dali said about himself that the only difference between him and a madman is that he is not a madman; and I thought that the only difference between me and Dali is that I am [More]
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk on The Purpose of Life followed by a question and answer session as part of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay’s Techfest Online Lecture Series by video link [More]
Tolle Schlitten Upload by pfaelzer1956
“Realize that there is a freedom within, where limitations can be transcended. Through non-judgment of the present moment, non-reaction, and an openness to what is.” E Tolle This is a remastered, edited version of Eckhart [More]
Eckhart discusses the process of awakening to who we are beyond form and the essential and ongoing practice of rising above thinking. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear [More]