Since the start of the pandemic there has been an exponential growth in all-encompassing conspiracy narratives, with the viral success of the ‘Plandemic’ documentary trailer being the most popular example. In particular we have seen [More]
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♥♥♥Support us to keep it going with your kind donation or purchase Dr. Wayne Dyer’s books on Amazon through this link If you donate more than $20, we will share with you our audiobook [More]
Simple Steps to Healing: Ho’oponopono I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You by Dr. Joe Vitale. You can use this system to improve any relationship in your life. For example your relationship [More]
CÓMO USAR TABLAS DE VISIÓN PARA ALCANZAR TUS METAS POR JOE VITALE | Dr. joe Vitale En Español | USE ESTO PARA LOGRAR LO QUE QUIERA Cuántas veces pensaste en hacer algo y no pudiste [More]