This is a wonderful clip in which Dr. Hawkins talks about the letting go of experiences and the importance of doing the spiritual work to let go of attachments. This clip is from the October [More]
Are you in an emotionally abusive relationship, or married to a narcissist, but still choose to stay? There are many reasons people choose to stay in emotionally abusive relationships – they may not even realize [More]
Familia! ¿Crees que la MENTE es un obstáculo en la conexión con Lo Divino? Te leo en el Chat! PAZ (: =============== Familia! Si estás listo/a para dar el siguiente paso hacia tu expansión personal [More]
Feeling Your Wish Fulfilled — Neville Goddard teaches us to enter a passive, relaxed state, where you feel sleepy and calm. Once in this state, don’t focus on how your wish will be fulfilled, but [More]
La Clave del Cumplimiento — Neville Goddard enseña que al despertar cada mañana, debes continuar con la suposición de que tu deseo ya se ha realizado. Evita volver a los pensamientos anteriores o enfocarte en [More]
Full and Happy Life — No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt—whether good, bad, or indifferent—it must be expressed. Feeling is the only medium through which ideas [More]
▶Neville Goddard (Master Class Series) LESSON 1 – CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY with Q&A Neville Goddard – ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT with Q&A (LESSON 2) Neville Goddard – THINKING FOURTH-DIMENSIONALLY with Q&A (LESSON [More]