Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety.
Now more than ever we need to focus on present moment awareness so we can make wise & compassionate choices for ourselves & others. The Mindfulness Movement Film is an inspirational new film that can [More]
This Is Why We Suffer! Deepak Chopra Full Interview: Transcript: “We know nothing. Everything we know is made up. It is a human construct. We don’t question: What is the source of this experience” [More]
SCI-FI-LONDON was lucky enough to meet Neal Asher at his Essex home to talk about his latest book, The Gabble & Other Stories, writing and about 15 years of the Polity universe. We also managed [More]
Neal adams at the Comiccon of Montrรฉal. What a guy ! Part 1
10 Dinge die du รผber Gott wissen solltest: ๐Ÿ‘ˆ โ—๏ธ ABONNIERE unseren Kanal fรผr mehr ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ””Klicke auch auf die Glocke, damit du nichts mehr verpasst! โค๏ธ Psi Online – Der Online-Verlag rund um [More]
Do Not Miss This Video!: Powerful Manifesting Ritual! It is time to take your manifesting to the next level!
Numerology, Islam and the significance of the number 19 are explored with Afif Shoucair and his son, Benjamin Shoucair. We look at the power of numbers, .rrrrExplore the spiritual realms, seen and unseen, as we [More]
What are spiritual people like during the quarantine? Obviously incredibly grounded. This video will show you the wisdom and spiritual perspective about the coronavirus quarantine crisis that ultra spiritual people have. When spiritual people aren’t [More]
Learn what spirituality is, the difference between spirituality and religion, and the core traits of a true spiritual badass! [timestamp below] Many clients have reached me after seeing one of my videos on spirituality and [More]