Did God create evil? The illusion of separation leads to so-called evil, reminding us of the vital importance of the collective transformation of consciousness. Enjoy a FREE 10-DAY TRIAL to Eckhart Tolle Now: https://www.eckharttollenow.com/v9/join/ Subscribe [More]
Realize that there is a freedom within, where limitations can be transcended. Through non-judgment of the present moment, non-reaction, and an openness to what is. Find your freedom within with this teaching from Eckhart Tolle. [More]
Ram Dass rare lecture of his own personal Journey to happyness and mystic experience that turned him from Richard Alpert to Ram Dass. A story of how he met his Guru Neem Karoli Baba an [More]
For more on #In Deep Shift, visit Oprah.com. Find OWN on TV at http://www.oprah.com/FindOWN SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1vqD1PN Download the Watch OWN App: http://bit.ly/2hr1nX2 About OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network is the first and only network named for, [More]
Do you think you can get away with who you are? Watch Naele’s FREE Masterclass for Life Transforming Wisdom 👉 https://go.mindvalley.com/Awaken-The-Species From a life-threatening accident, to divorces, to living on the streets: Life was not [More]