If you’re seeing this, you’re changing the world! This video explains how Dr David Hawkins’ The Map of Consciousness and raising your vibration reflects your impact on the collective consciousness of the planet and everyone [More]
How To Deal With Regrets Neville Goddard In this insightful YouTube video, we delve into the topic of dealing with regrets, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Neville Goddard. Regrets can weigh us down and [More]
In this video, #nevillegoddard breaks down a profound concept that everything in the objective reality is a product of the human imagination. The central message revolves around the idea that all things, from remarkable achievements [More]
no fixéd plans no intentions to arrive yet, a traveller writer of verses springing from a superficial self words jerk out in an tongue strange to me. words paint confusions of mind no fixéd tracks [More]
Lao Tzu Taoism Quotes, The Philosophy of Flow, Life Changing Quotes Lao Tzu was an Ancient Chinese Philosopher. He was the founder of the Chinese philosophical ‘School of the Tao’ or ‘Taoism’. He is known [More]
Taoism is a philosophy attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. The basic thing in the whole philosophy is the conception of Tao or “The Way”, the natural order of the universe which one must discover [More]