A clear indication of them ol’ copyright blues,the record companies keep raking it in long after the artist is dead. And while the artist is alive,guess who gets the bread…R.I.P Jay & Bo and all [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale is a prolific author of many bestselling books including “The Attractor Factor,” “Zero Limits,” and his latest, “The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment,” and “Anything Is Possible: 7 Stops to Doing the [More]
Ram Dass speaks on the importance of living in the present moment. Ram Dass audio courtesy of ramdass.org: https://www.ramdass.org/ Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RamDassChannel Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/babaramdass Created by Tragedy & Hope: Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFyAgi9phA7ErVY_bPC1Cjg Like [More]
http://www.distinctionsforlife.tv/ This is the first behind the scenes vlog entry for Distinctions for Life, where Ron talks about how DFL is created. Also talks about fear, uncertainty and doubt when starting something like this. Announces [More]
Creating Fulfilling Relationships Tony Robbins Creating Fulfilling Relationships Tony Robbins Creating Fulfilling Relationships Tony Robbins
Good morning and welcome. Today we’ll be doing our super self seminar which deals with thought empowerment and what we’ll look at is how basically you as an individual are going to win back that [More]
This special lecture was presented in Long Beach, CA, November 2006. Dr. Hawkins talks about the perfection of everything as it occurs. To purchase full lecture: go to: https://veritaspub.com/product/2006-11-live-your-life-like-a-prayer-nov-2006/