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Main Points from the episode 1 : * Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not the destination, it is on the journey. * Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards [More]
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Vish Writer and John Harricharan have between them more than 5 decades of spiritual experience and have touched tens and thousands of lifes across the world. You can get to know more about them at [More]
What does it take to make life work? In a world where we are surrounded daily by hustle and bustle, it’s easy to get lost in life…but actually you’ve already been given all you need [More]
Here is some golden rules of Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Start Ho’oponopono certification training : https://bit.ly/hooponojoe Start the Advanced Ho’oponopono certification training : http://bit.ly/advancedhopono Ho’oponopono booster : https://bit.ly/hopobooster Join Dr. [More]