Unpacking The Eternal Now. The Inscrutable Playground Of Impermanent Entities. *Recommended Reading for Further Exploration: You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters – https://amzn.to/4bMNPi8 #EternalNow #Timelessness #Impermanence #Self #Interconnectedness #Mindfulness [More]
Deepak Chopra shares his technique to help alleviate the feelings of stress and anxiety of situations that are out of our control (including the upcoming elections in the USA). #TheBeat #arimelber @msnbc #election2024 #electionstress #electionanxiety [More]
This is a black screen format for bedtime and nighttime listening, full video is available here: https://youtu.be/QQf_v2pClr0 Listen to this podcast ad-free and support these great talks from the Ram Dass Archive. 7-day free trial: [More]
Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He continued his psychedelic research until that fateful Eastern trip [More]
In this recording from 1982, Ram Dass answers a wide range of questions, including how we can find freedom from fear, plus leads a meditation on how to tune into our intuition. Want to be [More]
Lyrics: Der Funke Freiheit, der in uns rinnt das bisschen Hoffnung, was der Tag dir nimmt das Waterloo tief in uns drin die Träume fallen dort Legion um Legion (Legion um Legion) Mann für Mann [More]
THIS mighty empire hath but feet of clay: Of all its ancient chivalry and might Our little island is forsaken quite: Some enemy hath stolen its crown of bay, And from its hills that voice [More]
I am do a book review on infinite self 33 steps to reclaiming your inner power written by metaphysical teacher Stuart Wilde. link to book- https://amzn.to/2wI4h1m New videos every week, SUBSCRIBE Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/tyiece1/ Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/livinginsync/ All [More]