Biological Intelligence Is An Aspect of Cosmic Intelligence. A New Paradigm Is Emerging In Science. #cellularintelligence #bioelectricalsignals #intelligencefield #michaellevin #regenerativemedicine #cancertreatment #cosmicconsciousness #biology #science #paradigmshift —– Deepak’s new book, Digital Dharma, will release on September [More]
How should one balance the spiritual process and the materialistic aspects of life? Sadhguru says, live your materialistic life as if you will die today. Live your spiritual life like you are eternal. Darshan, Isha [More]
The Disciplined Mind — To pray successfully, you must yield to the wish and feel it as already fulfilled. The perfectly disciplined man is always aligned with his wish as an accomplished fact. He understands [More]
Read Book Now Ebook The Libertarian Reader: Classic & Contemporary Writings from Lao-Tzu to Milton Friedman
Disney games for Kids, Baby, and Girls, almost every day in this channel, videos of your favorite characters as the Disney Princess, Frozen, Anna, Elsa, Tangled, Rapunzel, Ariel, Mermaid,Barbie, Dora the Explorer, bubble guppies, Peppa [More]
Integrative medicine pioneer Dr. Deepak Chopra discusses his book “Abundance,” the limited capacity of money to provide fulfillment, and his work to fight the epidemic of teen suicide. Watch new episodes of #TheDailyShow with Trevor [More]
Read or Download Here [Read book] Counseling and Spirituality: Views from the Profession (Spirituality/Religious
These two pioneering way-showers have a spirited exploration of consciousness. Terrence asks about miracles and is met with a surprising answer, if you haven’t seen this you’re in for a treat! What do you all [More]