Actors Corey Hawkins and Topher Grace have joined the cast of director Spike Lee’s upcoming movie ‘Black Klansman’. The film stars actor John David Washington as Ron Stallworth, a black police officer who infiltrated the [More]
Actors Corey Hawkins and Topher Grace have joined the cast of director Spike Lee’s upcoming movie ‘Black Klansman’. The film stars actor John David Washington as Ron Stallworth, a black police officer who infiltrated the [More]
Enjoy a clip from Dr. Hawkins and his wife from their “Discussion Series” Discussion Series 2013 DVD
More important than flowers, chocolates and gifts is the ability to communicate effectively. Happy Valentine’s Day. VIDEO LINKS For more Fresh P: To Subscribe to Fresh Princess: For more info on Dr. David [More]
click here : Le corps quantique – Le fabuleux pouvoir de gu?rison de votre esprit
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra M.D. Click Here :
From Human to #Metahuman Meditate with me on MONDAY, March 9th, at 3pm ET, 12pm Pacific, on my Facebook Page- #QuantumHealing #Science #ScienceofConsciousness #WellBeing #Health #Healing #WakingUp #Knowledge #Knowing #Enlightenment #SourceofAllKnowing #deepakchopra #lawofattraction #affirmation [More]
From Human to #Metahuman – 🙏 Get the book @ 🙏 Find out more at The first thing to understand is that birth and death occur in the universe faster than the speed [More]
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The complete audiobook of Conversations With God – Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch