Soylu: ‘Zeytin Dalı’ yapılmasa Afrin, uyuşturucu merkezi haline getiriliyordu (3)AK PARTİ İL BAŞKANLIĞI’NDA KONUŞTUAntalya’da ziyaretlerde bulunan İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu, dün akşam geçirdiği trafik kazasında yaralanan AK Parti Antalya Milletvekili İbrahim Aydın’ı, tedavi gördüğü… Soylu: [More]
In a wide ranging interview the Dalai Lama talks to the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan about President Trump and his America First agenda, Brexit, the EU, and China’s relationship with the world. The interview also challenges [More]
Read here Download ‪Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by Hawkins David R (2004)‬
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More important than flowers, chocolates and gifts is the ability to communicate effectively. Happy Valentine’s Day. VIDEO LINKS For more Fresh P: To Subscribe to Fresh Princess: For more info on Dr. David [More]
Baba Ram Dass a psychedelic research pioneer and best-selling author has died.The new Age guru who extolled the virtues of mindfulness and grace passed away on Sunday.Born Richard Alpert, he met experimental psychologist Timothy Leary [More]
Ram Dass teaches us about the spiritual path in this lecture on a wide range of subjects. See the god in all, and explore consciousness. We have built up a set of ego habits for [More]
In this talk from 1989, Ram Dass explores what is needed to become impeccable with whatever we are handed karmically in our lives. “The real transformations in you are often very profound, deep and often [More]
Read Book Online Now Read Counseling and Spirituality: Views from the Profession (Spirituality/Religious Values)