This has been called the most powerful meditation tool in the history of the world. Change your MIND, change your WORLD. Credit to Positive Vibes YouTube Channel for creating this incredible video. You can find [More]
por Joe Vitale & el Dr Ihaleakala Hew Ho’oponopono se trata de buscar dentro de nosotros deudas, errores o bloqueos en nuestro subconciente que hace que se repitan como problemas, juicios, y todo tipo de [More]
ACEPTACIÓN Y RENDICIÓN por Eckart Tolle.Aquí está la clave: Termina con la ilusión del tiempo. El tiempo y la mente son inseparables. Separa el tiempo de la mente y esta se detendrá, a menos que [More]
Staying present is an ongoing practice, explains Eckhart, which can be supported in ways that include following the breath, becoming aware of sensations in the body, and by cultivating “the Observer.” *********************************************************************** Interested in diving [More]
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Read Ebook Now PDF Dalai Lama: 30 Inspirational Lessons from Dalai Lama: Dalai Lama spirituality meditation
His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the importance of optimism at the end of a two day interactive dialogue with United States Institute of Peace Youth Leaders at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India [More]