www.evolutionrevoluiton.net ! Bee the source,with you…. Non – believers and God believers comes with ONE ! We are a part of LIFE ITSELF ! One Love – One Soul – And we are ONE ! [More]
DEEPAK CHOPRA explains REMOTE VIEWING and THE THIRD EYE He is known to millions of followers and readers as the authority on consciousness and meditation. In this preview clip from the upcoming “Consciousness Collective” presented [More]
Looking for a powerful way to heal yourself and others? Look no further than Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique that’s just as relevant today as it was centuries ago. Ho’oponopono certification training : https://bit.ly/hooponojoe Advanced [More]
Attractor Factor Joe Vitale Talks about Gratitude
Go To The Link Below To Downloadhttp://tinyurl.com/ob9llaoAttract A New Car – Dr. Joe Vitale Screet – How To Buy A New Car Attract,A,New,Car,Dr,Joe,Vitale,Screet,How,To,Buy,A,New,Car http://tinyurl.com/ob9llao
“Most people found in Be Here Now something that powerfully turned their spiritual life.” Ram Dass reminisces about Maharajji and the inception of Be Here Now. Pre-order “Love Everyone: The Transcendent Wisdom of Neem Karoli [More]
Wayne Dyer – Become Detached from the Outcome [Great Talk] Wayne Dyer. Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. His first book, [More]
Suite:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49l6u_conversations-avec-dieu-2-neale-d-w_shortfilms Film biographique/documentaire sur les best-sellers de Neale Donald Walsch qui rentra en communication avec notre Dieu Intérieur Omniscient et Omniprésent! Dieu n’est pas copyrightible! Bon film, même si cela n’équivaut pas un des livres [More]