Path To Enlightenment Part 19 Make The Single, Most Powerful Shift Conscious Women Can Make to Get Unstuck & Leap Forward Into Their Destiny.UNLOCK YOUR FEMININE POWER with this Free Webinar Join me for [More]
Looking for a powerful way to heal yourself and others? Look no further than Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique that’s just as relevant today as it was centuries ago. Ho’oponopono certification training : Advanced [More]
Two talks at Stanford emphasize the need for dialogue in resolving conflict, and the need for compassion that extends beyond creeds and beliefs. ‘Dalai Lama advocates a secular approach to compassion’ Stanford University: [More]
This black screen video is comprised of the lectures ‘Love, Power, and Truth,’ ‘Conscious Living Conscious Dying,’ ‘On Relationships,’ and ‘Conscious Living Conscious Dying.’ Listen to the full isolated lectures here: Love, Power, and Truth, [More]
WAYNE W. DYER was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He [More]
Akdeniz ve Karadeniz demiryoluyla bağlanıyor Kalkınma Bakanı Lütfi Elvan: “Mersin Limanını Samsun Limanına kadar bağlayacak olan bir hattın ilk adımı olan Aksaray-Ulukışla hızlı tren demiryolu hattının yapımını yatırım programına aldık” “Dolayısıyla hem Doğu-Batı ekseninde hemde… [More]