Deepak Chopra talks us through the concepts of his new book Metahuman; to be metahuman isn’t science fiction and is certainly not about being a superhero. To be metahuman means to move past the limitation [More]
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From Human to #Metahuman – 🙏 Get the book @ 🙏 Description: You are not your body or your mind. Your body and your mind exist in you.* Deepak Chopra discusses the true nature [More]
Dr. Hawkins explains how understanding alcoholism from the viewpoint of consciousness opens the door to the way out. Failure of common models of addiction and why society has not been able to handle the problem [More]
‘Law & Order: SVU’ actress Diane Neal is making an independent run for NY’s 19th Congressional District seat. Neal, who claims no party affiliation, describes herself as “a little Libertarian, a lot liberal, mostly progressive.” [More]
Freedom from Suffering is Finding your True Self #love #truelove #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion #Existence #BigBang #NaiveRealism #WhoAreYou #InfiniteLove #TranscendentExistence #Existence #SatChitAnanda #DivineUnion #DarkNightofSoul #Ecstasy #dreamscape #revelation #impermanence #TheRealMetaverse #Metahuman #TotalMeditation #Abundancebook —– Deepak’s [More]
In this week’s episode of The Chris Cuomo Project, Deepak Chopra, M.D. (founder, The Chopra Foundation, and co-author, “Living in the Light”) joins Chris for an extensive conversation about why joy must be one’s measure [More]
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