Doğu Karadeniz’de güvenlik güçlerinin teröristlere yönelik başlattığı operasyon devam ediyor. Listedeki 2 teröristin kırmızı, 1’inin de turuncu listede olduğu tespit edildi. Bölge halkı ise operasyona ‘Fındık Dalı Harekatı’ olarak isim verdi. Asker ve Polis Doğu [More]
I was recently invited to participate in a practice target for The Husick Group, the target was the Dali Lama. For those who are in need of hiring a team of professional remote viewers. [More]
Vish Writer and John Harricharan have between them more than 5 decades of spiritual experience and have touched tens and thousands of lifes across the world. You can get to know more about them at [More]
Subscribe for more!! – reprogram your subconscious mind through music Quotes, Project & Song Suggestions by B.o.B.: The New Album “Ether” by B.o.B: Remind: you do not have to agree with every [More]
Stuart Wilde- Healing Stories – News for the Soul Radio Show – 9-19-12
Originally published: October 1, 1997 by Stuart Wilde. A self-help audio book to comprehend how the ebb and flow of money in our lives is one of the great spiritual messages. The author demonstrates that [More]
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