▶️ Wayne Dyer – Be Flexible to Get Success | Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life | Excuses Begone #WayneDyer #SuccessTips #PersonalDevelopment #BeFlexible #ChangeYourThoughts #ExcusesBegone #SelfImprovement #Motivation #LifeChange #PositiveThinking Dr. Wayne Dyer – Even [More]
Un document rare et incontournable. Le fils de Dali commente les présidentielles Françaises 2007. – Ceci est une vidéo humoristique ne refletant en rien les opinions de l’internaute l’ayant mis en ligne , ce dernier [More]
du 21 au 26 janvier 2008 voyage scolaire en espagne
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s personal physician Dr. Tsetan D Sadutshang, accompanied by Mr. Tenzin Taklha, Secretary to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, gives a short briefing on His Holiness’s condition after having total knee [More]
Hundreds gathered in Midtown on Sunday as the the Tibetan spiritual leader arrived at his hotel on West 57th Street. The 88-year-old is preparing to receive treatment on his knees. CBS New York’s Jessica Moore [More]
Neale Donald Walsch is an American author known for his “Conversations with God” series. After a personal crisis, he began writing letters to God, which evolved into dialogues forming the basis of his books. Published [More]
Religion tells you the difference of good deeds and bad deeds. It talks about paap and punya. To leavce the bad and grasp the good knowledge. Spirituality tells that liberation is beyond this bad and [More]
God is Love Love is God