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Eckart von Hirschhausen: Singen geht unter die Haut, berührt, verbindet …
lénergie vitale, documentaire intéressant sur ce que lénergie apporte sur le corps. à voir et à partager .Elle nous vient du soleil, cest-à-dire de la lumière. Elle nous vient aussi de lair, de leau et [More]
Dr Len y Joe Vitale ,Conferencia en español. Video 1 Ho´oponopono
New Age Spirituality has positively effected my life but there are some aspects of it that I disagree with and find harmful. the problem with spirituality & new age thought (*imo*) – Renee Amberg: [More]
Dr. Joe Vitale – How To Manifest Miracles And Money // Dr. Joe Vitale is best known for his ideas on Manfestating, Law of attraction and abundance mentality and for his appearance in the movie [More]
Hey there pixies! Here is a last minute video of me answering some spiritual questions. (since my disney vlog was a fail) I spent so much time editing this that i actually despise it now, [More]
What’s it like to drive the most fantastic super cars ever made? Friends and I take turns driving the fastest cars around. They are more like street rockets. Buckle up and see for yourself!