Ram Dass Here and Now – Episode 27 – Politics and Spirituality: https://youtu.be/jmhS7tr4eyU Ram Dass Here and Now – Episode 27 – Politics and Spirituality: https://beherenownetwork.com/politics-spirituality/ ================ The world is a reflection of our internal [More]
Adnan Oktar, yapılan baskınla gözaltına alındıktan sonra sağlık kontrolü için hastaneye getirildiği sırada bahçedeki vatandaşlar tepki gösterdi. Bindirildiği aracı yumruklayan çevredekiler, “Kediciklerin nerede?” dedi. Sabah saatlerinde gözaltına Adnan Oktar, saat Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’ne [More]
Nothing has any meaning except the meaning that we give it.
R.E.A.D Now Or D.o.w.n.l.o.a.d File : http://atr.authorbestsipub.icu/?book=1631363883
Ram Dass discusses and examines the Buddhist teachings meant to serve as a guide for those of the journey to enlightenment, The Four Noble Truths.
Ram Dass discusses the topics of his new book, Polishing the Mirror. Pre-Order Here: http://goo.gl/ZnHUPY Moments of boundless love and realization do occur spontaneously, but it is our daily life practice that clarifies the mind [More]