Punjabi – Christ Ram Dass Ji stresses that with His Grace, you get Christ in your heart. He then brings Light into your heart to enlighten the world of our Father through Preaching Gospel. ਕਰਿ [More]
Dr. Joe visits with Jewels again and talks about how to heal everything (including yourself) in a matter of seconds. This is a Hawaiian Healing techique that Joe and Hew Len wrote about in the [More]
FIN:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49lq0_conversations-avec-dieu-6-neale-d-w_shortfilms C’est un acteur qui joue Neale!(ou “Donald” lol qui a cependant un vrai rôle d’acteur dans le film Indigo sur les soi-disant enfants Indigos!Le sous-titre Fr est là: www.opensubtitles.com/fr/subtitles/3115500/indigo-fr )
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations – EP.#34: Eckhart Tolle: Free Yourself From Anxiety, Stress and Unhappiness Visionary thought leader and author of “A New Earth,” Eckhart Tolle explains his view of where we are in the state [More]
Read Ebook Now http://ebookfling.com.ebookshare.club/?book=1401931138 Download Along the Path to Enlightenment 365 Daily Reflections from David R Hawkins EBook
A discussion around the concept of Dharma, or ones path in life. We may go to great lengths to avoid our path, but our inner voice continues to bring us back. Love is a particularly [More]