Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled is the most extraordinary product from this author. But not only from this author, from my point of view Wayne Dyer Wishes fulfilled is one of the best product on spiritual [More]
Sinopsis Estamos Viviendo en unos tiempos muy interesantes. La medicina científica nos da una gran comprensión sobre el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano. Pero al mismo tiempo estamos comenzando a reconocer que el cuerpo humano es [More]
El protagonista principal es Wayne Dyer, autor del famoso libro de autoayuda “Tus zonas erróneas”. Durante la película, el Dr.Wayne Dyer hará de guía y maestro espiritual de diferentes casos de personas con las que [More]
An evening with Ram Dass in 1985 discusses the nature of suffering, compassion and the perfection of the universe. Ram Dass talks about his non-physical friend, Emanuel, who says that dying is like taking off [More]
The Awakening! with Dr. Joe Vitale (1 of 3)
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Our concepts of who we are help us to navigate our world, but they are often overvalued and have the potential to trap us in form. These traits create an image with which we identify, [More]
Neale parle de Dieu:www.dailymotion.com/video/x93dpz_discussion-avec-neale-1-vostfr-14-l_news LE FILM en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x49l05_conversations-avec-dieu-1-neale-d-w_shortfilms Sur les religions en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x51a1r_dieu-dit-oubliez-la-religion-et-rev_news Lecture d’une partie du tome 1 en FR:www.dailymotion.com/video/x8y77b_lecture-conversation-avec-dieu-de-n_shortfilms
Diaporama de citations inspirantes de Neale D. Walsch, l’auteur de la trilogie Conversations avec Dieu. Retrouvez les pensées quotidiennes de Neale Donald Walsch en Français sur http://www.conversations-avec-dieu.fr