Wayne Dyer – Revised & Extended – Spiritual Affirmation – Meditation – U.S. Andersen – Three Magic Words – Law Of Attraction – Night time Meditation – Affirmations – Before Sleep. I know that I [More]
http://www.YourGenieInABottle.com is a site a life coash and mentor Minh Pham – This meditation retreat will help you reach enlightenment
Hello Angels, Activists, Legacy Leaders and Way Showers, As the founder of http://blazingborders.com I am honored be to a powerful Guide that highlights humanities most admirable and inspirational Legacy Leaders. Blazing Boarders is a site [More]
Cette vidéo d’enseignement et de méditations guidées a été réalisées par le GLET63 ( Groupe Local Eckhart Tolle & Pleine Conscience du 63) qui a pour objectif de fournir des outils gratuits au plus grand [More]
Tony and Sage Robbins are excited to share this practical and instructive excerpt from their recent Inner Circle members event as they guide a volunteer through inquiry and illustrate: OUR QUESTIONS are THE ANSWER. Tony [More]
http://www.hayhouse.com/details.php?id=7429&utm_id=3198 Something very unusual is occurring on this planet right now. You have no doubt noticed it. It may be producing a more than normal amount of challenge and disjointedness in your life, and perhaps [More]
Son dakika! Zeytin Dalı Harekatı sırasında 2 askerimizin şehit edilmesi olayına karışan 9 YPG/PKK’lı terörist, Suriye’de MİT tarafından yakalanıp Hatay’a getirildi. Afrin’e düzenlenen Zeytin Dalı Harekatı’nda 2 askerimizi şehit eden PKK/YPG mensubu 9 terörist, MİT [More]
Adnan Oktar, yapılan baskınla gözaltına alındıktan sonra sağlık kontrolü için hastaneye getirildiği sırada bahçedeki vatandaşlar tepki gösterdi. Bindirildiği aracı yumruklayan çevredekiler, “Kediciklerin nerede?” dedi. Sabah saatlerinde gözaltına Adnan Oktar, saat Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’ne [More]