#01-“Causality: The Ego’s Foundation” Jan 2002 dvd Transcript: If there’s no ‘this’ causing a ‘that’, how does what we witness come about? Alright, let’s say God being all-prevailing and infinitely powerful, is like a giant [More]
In this video, we explore the Law of Attraction and how you can use it to manifest your desires and achieve your goals. Joe Vitale’s teachings suggest that visualization and focusing on what you want, [More]
On February 21, His Holiness the Dalai Lama demonstrated his health and vitality by offering a 3-hour public talk and teaching at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This Is the official multi-camera video feed of the [More]
“THREE MAGIC WORDS” FOR YOU BEFORE YOU GO OFF TO SLEEP Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation #DrWayneDyer # WayneDyer # WayneDyerMeditation Tonight, and every night for the rest of your life, I want you to take [More]