This video explores how moments of connection with nature or a non-judgmental gaze from a baby can momentarily liberate us from our incessant thinking. Eckhart Tolle describes these instances as glimpses of the spiritual dimension [More]
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The law of attraction is an expression that became widely known by the public following the famous movie, “The Secret”. It is a physical law that works for everyone, whether one believes in it or [More]
Eckart Muthesius 1930: Der Palast des Maharadschas in Indore – Architektur und Interieur / Download Here Used Book in Good ConditionDownload Eckart Muthesius 1930: Der Palast des Maharadschas in Indore – Architektur und Interieur [More]
Deepak Chopra es un médico indio. Hábil disertante y escritor prolífico, ha escrito extensamente sobre espiritualidad y el poder de la mente en la curación médica. Está influenciado por las enseñanzas de escrituras tradicionales indias [More]
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